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Neo Sentalloy

Neo Sentalloy


Neo Sentalloy

Super Elastic Nickel Titanium Alloy (F160 and F200, Green)


Product Description

This extremely soft rectangular wire can also be used as initial wire. Three-dimensional control is possible from the initial period of treatment.

There is nearly no elasticity when used at low temperature. With this properties, it allows to be applied to cases of severe crowding.

In adults, even if the periodontium is compromised, Neo-Sentalloy can be used with confidence.

The surface finishing is extremely smooth in comparison with other conventional Ti-Ni alloy wires, resulting in little friction with the bracket slots and smooth tooth movement.



Wire Dia (Inches)

.016 x 0.16, .016 x 0.22, .017 x 0.25, .018 x 0.18, .018 x 0.25, .019 x 0.25, .020 x 0.20, .0215 x 0.28


Upper, Lower